Not every

not every path
has to be paved
not every life
needs to be saved
not every child
well behaved
not every face cleanly shaved
not every tombstone engraved
not every meal microwaved
not every loony crazed
not every poem praised

well…apart from this one…

Old white cat

as clouds gather round
ready to shed their tears
an old white cat
suddenly appears

living on borrowed time
he risks one more climb
stalking on a fence
with marginal suspense

Photo by yours truly

A toilet door handle

by germs
and fragments
of sperms
it confirms
it’s handled
by hands
that have been places
leaving traces
of whatnots
and whoknows
perhaps gross
live bacteria
on your hand
before you dine
in the cafeteria

April Fewl

April Fewl
was a prankster
who enjoyed
pulling legs
thinking it was cool
but came up short
when she met
her amputated man
who left her clueless
what to do
when he said:
You should’ve worn
your spectacles
before I married you…

The cat and an empty trolley

in the quiet
of a humid night
a trolley stands
and empty
a chariot of solitude
whilst a cat
with silent paws
on a damp surface
surveys the scene
his whiskers twitch
“I’m hungry still;
life is a bitch…”

photo ~ Miran Rahim


should not be fought
but if it must be fought
it should only be amongst adults
where the innocent
the children
and animals
can’t get hurt
on neutral ground
without weapons
and in equal numbers

that is my philosophy
but I don’t wanna start a war