Roll your eyes

roll your eyes
in silent rebellion
a gesture of defiance
a subtle act of protest

expressing disdain
without saying a word
a language of its own
a universal truth

roll your eyes
and speak volumes
in the language of the soul
free and unapologetic

The stillness of empty spaces

in empty spaces, the stillness reigns
a silence that overtakes and maintains
no sound, no fury, no restless pace
an open slate, a peaceful space

no footsteps echo, no voices sound
just quietness surrounds and astounds
the emptiness breathes, the stillness sings
a natural wonder, where time stands and clings

a sanctuary of calm, a refuge of peace
a haven for thoughts and dreams to release
a place to reflect and ponder on life
a space that can cure all worries and strife

emptiness may seem dull and plain
but in its stillness, we find a sustain
a pause to quiet our rushing minds
an emptiness that transcends and unwinds

Photo by Sandra Malic

Every wrinkle has a story

every wrinkle has a story,
it carries history with glory

each crease a mark of time gone by,
a map of years that seem to fly

some are deep and full of grace,
a lifetime etched upon a face

a wrinkle has a tale to tell,
of laughter, love, and living well

others light, a gentle trace,
of a moment’s worry or a smile’s embrace

let us cherish our wrinkles bold
each holds a story to be told

in their lines we find our truth
our journey’s end, our lasting proof