How I love watching clouds move

slowly drifting
across the sky
like fluffy white ships
on an endless journey
a dance of shapes
and shadows

they paint pictures
on a blue canvas
shifting and changing
with the wind

I could watch
them for hours
and never grow tired
of their ever changing beauty

how I love watching clouds move

photo by yours truly

What’s left of the past

memories linger
like whispers in the wind
faded photographs
and worn-out letters
echoes of laughter
and tears long gone
what’s left of the past
but fragments of time

a dusty attic
filled with forgotten treasures
mementos of love
and sorrow intertwined
the ghosts of yesterday
still haunt these walls
what’s left of the past
but echoes of life

Old white cat

as clouds gather round
ready to shed their tears
an old white cat
suddenly appears

living on borrowed time
he risks one more climb
stalking on a fence
with marginal suspense

Photo by yours truly

A panorama of beauty

a cracked post
with a view
it stands alone
weathered and true
the scars of time
etched in its wood
a testament to the strength
it withstood

through years
of storms and winds
it remains steadfast
never rescinds
the view from atop
its weathered height
a panorama of beauty
a pure delight

Photo by Poetpas

A toilet door handle

by germs
and fragments
of sperms
it confirms
it’s handled
by hands
that have been places
leaving traces
of whatnots
and whoknows
perhaps gross
live bacteria
on your hand
before you dine
in the cafeteria

The cat and an empty trolley

in the quiet
of a humid night
a trolley stands
and empty
a chariot of solitude
whilst a cat
with silent paws
on a damp surface
surveys the scene
his whiskers twitch
“I’m hungry still;
life is a bitch…”

photo ~ Miran Rahim

She, the classic beauty

where timeless elegance resides
there dwells a muse
adorned in grace and light
her every step
a whisper through the night

her skin
a canvas painted by the gods
each stroke imbued
with moonlight’s tender touch
enchanting as the ocean’s gentle hush

this queen of hearts
a cherished gem
a masterpiece this world adores
her stature dances
upon sophisticated shores

for she, the classic beauty
reigns supreme
with every glance
her spirit is conveyed
and all souls forever gleam

~photo of Kate Blanchett
side note: this is NOT about Kate
The photo I used is simply an example!

A coroner’s tale

he gazed,
was surprisingly amazed
when he spotted
her beauty,
and fresh
whilst performing
his duty

he noticed
her intimate stare
the young damsel
laying bare
as she slipped
into heaven
at 7 past 11

Vague velvet red curtains

in a dim-lit room
where secrets lay
draped in whispers
where dreams sway
vague velvet red curtains
they adorn
veiling mysteries
yet to be reborn

like ember’s glow
their hue cascades
igniting passion
in clandestine shades
as tendrils of silk
embrace the air
soft and enticing
in a sensual affair