How I love watching clouds move

slowly drifting
across the sky
like fluffy white ships
on an endless journey
a dance of shapes
and shadows

they paint pictures
on a blue canvas
shifting and changing
with the wind

I could watch
them for hours
and never grow tired
of their ever changing beauty

how I love watching clouds move

photo by yours truly

What’s left of the past

memories linger
like whispers in the wind
faded photographs
and worn-out letters
echoes of laughter
and tears long gone
what’s left of the past
but fragments of time

a dusty attic
filled with forgotten treasures
mementos of love
and sorrow intertwined
the ghosts of yesterday
still haunt these walls
what’s left of the past
but echoes of life

How have I gotten to this?

how have I gotten to this?
lost in the labyrinth of my own mind
wandering through shadows of doubt and fear
each step a question mark
each turn a dead end
a journey of self-discovery
or self-destruction
the path unclear
the destination unknown
caught in the web of my own making
trapped in the echoes of my past
a puzzle with pieces missing
searching for answers in the silence
lost in the maze of my own creation
how have I gotten to this?

Not every

not every path
has to be paved
not every life
needs to be saved
not every child
well behaved
not every face cleanly shaved
not every tombstone engraved
not every meal microwaved
not every loony crazed
not every poem praised

well…apart from this one…

A panorama of beauty

a cracked post
with a view
it stands alone
weathered and true
the scars of time
etched in its wood
a testament to the strength
it withstood

through years
of storms and winds
it remains steadfast
never rescinds
the view from atop
its weathered height
a panorama of beauty
a pure delight

Photo by Poetpas

A toilet door handle

by germs
and fragments
of sperms
it confirms
it’s handled
by hands
that have been places
leaving traces
of whatnots
and whoknows
perhaps gross
live bacteria
on your hand
before you dine
in the cafeteria

Not everyone has to like you

not everyone has to like you
for to be oneself is true
in a world of varied view
radiate your own hue

don’t seek approval
from the crowd
embrace your light
and be proud

not everyone has to like you
for in being true to you
you’ll find peace in the residue
of opinions left askew

April Fewl

April Fewl
was a prankster
who enjoyed
pulling legs
thinking it was cool
but came up short
when she met
her amputated man
who left her clueless
what to do
when he said:
You should’ve worn
your spectacles
before I married you…

Baby bunny

new to life
yet frail
it’s tiny tail
freshly furred
brown ha(i)re(d)
and slightly scared
a baby bunny hops
on my grass
mixed with weeds
en masse
as birds sing
and bugs bug
the bunny
whilst an ugly orange cat
goes into stalking mode

I have to break up the party…